A store made to assist you on your growth journey

What "eff it." means to us

In order to flow with life's ups and downs, we believe in focusing on the things that bring us the most joy, what we love, and what inspires us.

Say 'eff it.' to limits, and pursue your goals.

Whatever you have been putting off, start it, even if it's only for five minutes, the important thing is starting.

Eff it, you deserve to treat yourself.

Indulge in that well deserved dinner, night out, trip, video game, whatever that favorite something of yours is. 

Eff it, be yourself...

and express the things that make you come alive. Be transparently you. 

Eff it. Enjoy Life

Push past your comfort zone, make new friends, tell people how you feel, and have the courage to look within - with the understanding that self nurturing takes time. So, wherever you may be in your pursuit for growth, say "eff it. enjoy life" and start your journey to a new mindset.